Morning Zen

Sunrise Pastels © Cathy L. RaeWhat a great way to start a day!

Sunrise Pastels © Cathy L. Rae

What a great way to start a day!

Sunrise Pastels Pic 1.JPG

The painting I am currently featuring, Sunrise Pastels, is a companion to Sunset Gold that I shared in my first post. This painting was created in a similar fashion - wet on wet with fine salt over the entire surface - but was inspired by the softer, more muted colors of sunrise.

Dawn and dusk are some of my favorite times of the day - dawn signals the possibilities of a brand new day while dusk allows for celebration of a day well spent and reflections on the many things for which I am grateful. Sometimes that means making the conscious decision to let go of mistakes and regrets and vowing to start anew.

In both Sunrise Pastels and Sunset Gold, my focus was mostly on the sky, so I did not include any landform in this painting and only a small bit of land in Sunset Gold. Both paintings were used to create note cards in the Skyscapes 1 Collection. I am currently working on a collection that was inspired by these paintings and the new paintings will similarly feature the horizon. Stay tuned!

Enjoy every day to the fullest, be kind to yourself about shortcomings and mistakes, and know that each day brings new possibilities.


Bloom where you are planted!


The Sky’s the Limit!